
  • Giugno 29, 2019

    Più equilibrio...

    Il presente testo unico disciplina i congedi, i riposi, i permessi e la tutela delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori connessi alla maternita' e paternita' dei figli nonché il sostegno economico alla maternità e alla paternità.

  • Maggio 30, 2019

    Stealth Humanitarianism:...

    Most of the world’s urban growth is expected to occur in developing countries. And towns and cities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East grow, their politics, socio-economic and governance processes will increasingly be shaped by human displacement.

  • Maggio 30, 2019

    Just another...

    One of the first steps to better manage urban population growth is to continue moving towards local and sustainable migration policy.

  • Maggio 30, 2019

    The role...

    The four Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) cities Antwerp, Vienna, Utrecht and Bologna are paving the way to implementing innovative methods for better managing integration in their cities.

  • Maggio 30, 2019

    Biased perception,...

    Misinformation is always existed, but its contemporary version produced by a pervasive and massive information ecosystem, it is something relatively new.

  • Aprile 29, 2019

    Achieving the...

    While investing in other forms of transportation particularly the rail network is necessary, in the short term, the government’s new initiative of drone technology for health delivery may offer rapid assistance to enhance post-crash care.

  • Marzo 30, 2019

    Homelessness: what...

    Homelessness is a serious aspect of extreme poverty, which economists have investigated scarsely.

  • Dicembre 1, 2018

    The perils...

    Lately, there has been a quote from Machado de Assis, Brazil’s most illustrious writer, circulating around. It dates back to an article in the newspaper Diário do Rio de Janeiro, from 29 December 1861, where he states that “In Brazil, there are two countries: the real and the official one.

  • Dicembre 1, 2018

    From June...

    In its November 2009 cover, the magazine The Economist portrayed a picture of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue as a rocket with the headline “Brazil takes off”. The article commended Brazil’s emergence as a global player, comparing the country favourably to the other BRICS.

  • Dicembre 1, 2018

    Bolsonaro, Authoritarianism...

    To many, Jair Bolsonaro’s recent election seems to have come as a surprise, and has been described as a ‘really radical shift.’ Much ink has already been spilled over why he has been successful in speaking to so many Brazilians’ legitimate concerns and frustrations with, perhaps most prominently, public security,...

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