Special Issue
The main mobility flow is from the East to the West of the Union, with some 24.000 students a year applying for Western European Universities from Eastern-European ones.
Youth unemployment rate is still too high.
The pillars of Erasmus Plus Programme should be intended as a political manifesto, a pragmatic set of ideas for the resolutions of conflicts, another way to reach people and cultures beyond the western world.
Erasmus and all other actions are key: they are not only drivers for employment, but they also are tools to advocate truly European values, such as multiculturalism, mutual sharing, and social innovation.
La presente proposta legge prevede l’apertura, con gli strumenti adeguati e con il coinvolgimento delle studentesse e degli studenti, della Comunità Scolastica verso il territorio
La presente proposta di legge mira ad istituire, in forma obbligatoria, delle attività curricolari nelle università italiane, al fine di implementare e migliorare lo sviluppo delle cosiddette soft skills per una maggiore integrazione nel mondo del lavoro.
In Bolivia, the conditions of vulnerable and excluded populations - especially for those that belong to ethnic groups – need improvements.