Special Issue
Women’s financial empowerment and mental health might be linked by a bi-directional causal relationship.
Budget Rani aims to design a programme that can meet the different needs of women by navigating government policy, gender norms, literacy and access to technology.
The occurrence of a womxns menstrual cycle should not be at the cost of their inclusion in a market-based system. This calls for a gendered exploration and an expanded conceptual understanding of the macro-economic indicator of labour productivity.
Financial inclusion among women has increased overtime, however, below the national average and that of men.
We want women to save, to invest, to control their own finance and be financially independent. Yet expenses, many of which are sudden and unexpected, ruin the best laid plans for financial independence.
The coronavirus has definitely exposed several forms of intolerance and deep phobia toward non-heteronormativity and Queer perspectives and practices.
Il presente testo unico disciplina i congedi, i riposi, i permessi e la tutela delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori connessi alla maternita' e paternita' dei figli nonché il sostegno economico alla maternità e alla paternità.