Special Issue
The pillars of Erasmus Plus Programme should be intended as a political manifesto, a pragmatic set of ideas for the resolutions of conflicts, another way to reach people and cultures beyond the western world.
Erasmus and all other actions are key: they are not only drivers for employment, but they also are tools to advocate truly European values, such as multiculturalism, mutual sharing, and social innovation.
La presente proposta legge prevede l’apertura, con gli strumenti adeguati e con il coinvolgimento delle studentesse e degli studenti, della Comunità Scolastica verso il territorio
La presente proposta di legge mira ad istituire, in forma obbligatoria, delle attività curricolari nelle università italiane, al fine di implementare e migliorare lo sviluppo delle cosiddette soft skills per una maggiore integrazione nel mondo del lavoro.
Il presente testo unico disciplina i congedi, i riposi, i permessi e la tutela delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori connessi alla maternita' e paternita' dei figli nonché il sostegno economico alla maternità e alla paternità.
After all, the targets in SDG3 would carry greater weight, if patients didn’t have to rely on doctors or healthcare providers who are regulated by informal relationships guided by friendship or family or second opinions. The need for better health care compliance is a pressing and growing need.
Achieving the World Health Assembly’s Global Nutrition Target of a 40% decline in the number of stunted children under 5 years by 2025 is challenging indeed. However, the adoption of a systematic and multi-sectoral approach, with a particular focus on scaling-up evidence-based interventions for tackling malnutrition in Asia and Africa, can...
While investing in other forms of transportation particularly the rail network is necessary, in the short term, the government’s new initiative of drone technology for health delivery may offer rapid assistance to enhance post-crash care.
How policy inertia and a gender bias resulted in a failure to create an inclusive, ‘health-promoting framework’ that will help India achieve its SDG Goals.