Energy and Environment

With the aim of moving the conversation from one of managing crises to one of building a more just and equitable global order, the Energy and Environment Research Cluster plans to focus on three broad research avenues in the coming years. First, it will explore how our responses to climate change and emergent technologies might ameliorate or exacerbate racial, gender, and economic inequality.

Second, it will analyse the ways in which environmental policy and technological innovations impact and intersect with other issues related to structural injustice. Third, it will examine just what equitable energy access would look like, and how it is linked to global public health.


Structural change and governance mechanisms

Climate change and just social shifts

Moral and distributional obligations

Consumption, lifestyle and the Green New Deal

Climate change and inequalities


Simona Mila Capisani

Research Associate

Head of Cluster

Dominic Lenzi | A-id: Agenda for International Development

Dominic Lenzi

Research Associate

Daniel Callies

Research Associate

Kian Mintz-Woo | A-id: Agenda for International Development

Kian Mintz-Woo

Research Associate

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