Special Issue
Several political leaders blame migrants for stealing jobs, destroying the social order, and eroding cultural traditions. Humanitarian discourses respond to xenophobia and anti-migrant sentiments rearticulating a paternalistic logic of emergency. Moreover, conflations in terminology referring to different ‘types’ of migrants have confused the public and have led researchers and policy-makers to put into the same box people with different needs.
The Migration and Refugee Research Cluster will give priority to the identification of ideological distortions that affect popular narratives on migration and to advocate a migrant-centred governance framework. To do so, the cluster commits to study what happens in high-income countries with the same approach adopted for low-to-middle income countries.
Exploitation and labour migration
Electoral rights of migrants in local and national elections
Countertechniques and participatory strategies to fight the proliferation of racist viewpoints
Universal and portable rights
Equal distribution of opportunities in an increasingly agglomerated economic order
Corrado Fumagalli
Founder and CEO
Head of Cluster
Grazia Ting Deng
Research Associate
Sabah Boufkhed